Day of Thunder: 2018-11-17
Intermediate Men: 6 Laps
PlaceBib#NameAgeClubTimesLapsLap 1Lap 2Lap 3Lap 4Lap 5Lap 6
1252Graham Frost35Russ Hays Sidney42:381: 6:31
1: 6:31
1: 6:59
1: 13:31
3: 7:09
1: 20:41
4: 7:26
1: 28:07
4: 7:20
1: 35:27
1: 7:10
1: 42:38
2246Matthew Walker32Active Health p/b Chorizo & Co.42:544: 6:41
4: 6:41
3: 7:06
3: 13:48
4: 7:12
2: 21:01
2: 7:20
2: 28:21
1: 7:16
2: 35:37
4: 7:17
2: 42:54
3224Zach Loveless17Dodge City Cycles Racing42:575: 6:43
5: 6:43
2: 7:06
4: 13:49
5: 7:13
3: 21:02
1: 7:20
3: 28:22
3: 7:17
3: 35:39
5: 7:18
3: 42:57
4238Vinko Poldrugovac39Rock City Cycles/Frontrunners/Kiyo Salon/Swet Haus43:353: 6:40
3: 6:40
4: 7:06
2: 13:47
7: 7:19
4: 21:06
8: 7:31
4: 28:38
8: 7:35
4: 36:13
7: 7:22
4: 43:35
5228Justin Demers3143:4815: 7:15
15: 7:15
5: 7:08
10: 14:23
2: 7:09
5: 21:33
3: 7:25
5: 28:58
5: 7:28
5: 36:26
6: 7:22
5: 43:48
6249Chris Courtney3443:5513: 7:10
13: 7:10
6: 7:10
9: 14:20
6: 7:18
6: 21:38
5: 7:27
6: 29:05
6: 7:34
6: 36:39
2: 7:16
6: 43:55
7107Curb Wzrd28BROAD STREET BAD BOYS44:1424: 7:30
24: 7:30
7: 7:18
19: 14:48
11: 7:23
14: 22:11
6: 7:29
13: 29:40
2: 7:16
7: 36:57
3: 7:17
7: 44:14
8130Tyler Walker3344:326: 6:50
6: 6:50
14: 7:26
7: 14:16
16: 7:30
8: 21:47
9: 7:32
7: 29:20
18: 7:45
9: 37:05
9: 7:27
8: 44:32
9233Connor McGrady19Rock City Cycles/Frontrunners/Kiyo Salon/Swet Haus44:428: 6:52
8: 6:52
9: 7:22
6: 14:15
18: 7:33
9: 21:48
11: 7:34
8: 29:22
13: 7:41
8: 37:03
14: 7:39
9: 44:42
10199James Grant20Rock City Cycles/Frontrunners/Kiyo Salon/Swet Haus44:557: 6:52
7: 6:52
15: 7:26
8: 14:18
19: 7:33
10: 21:52
15: 7:44
11: 29:36
9: 7:36
11: 37:12
18: 7:43
10: 44:55
11157Ian Lehton1545:0018: 7:18
18: 7:18
8: 7:18
13: 14:36
9: 7:22
12: 21:58
7: 7:29
9: 29:27
16: 7:42
10: 37:10
28: 7:50
11: 45:00
12254Trevor AF Jones3945:0310: 7:01
10: 7:01
13: 7:24
12: 14:25
15: 7:30
11: 21:56
12: 7:38
10: 29:35
37: 7:57
13: 37:32
10: 7:31
12: 45:03
13182Connor Bosenberg15Tripleshot Cycling Club45:0411: 7:02
11: 7:02
10: 7:22
11: 14:25
8: 7:21
7: 21:46
27: 7:53
12: 29:39
19: 7:48
12: 37:27
11: 7:37
13: 45:04
14204Steven Healey37Rock City Cycles/Frontrunners/Kiyo Salon/Swet Haus45:2619: 7:18
19: 7:18
17: 7:30
20: 14:48
17: 7:31
17: 22:19
13: 7:40
15: 29:59
14: 7:41
14: 37:40
23: 7:45
14: 45:26
15245Matthew Cholack3045:3512: 7:08
12: 7:08
23: 7:33
14: 14:42
21: 7:36
16: 22:18
14: 7:43
16: 30:02
26: 7:51
16: 37:54
15: 7:41
15: 45:35
16234Finn Manktelow15Trail Bicycles45:3922: 7:22
22: 7:22
11: 7:23
17: 14:45
10: 7:23
13: 22:08
16: 7:45
14: 29:53
20: 7:49
15: 37:42
35: 7:57
16: 45:39
17145Logan Edgar27Victoria Wheelers45:5416: 7:16
16: 7:16
18: 7:30
18: 14:46
20: 7:33
18: 22:20
26: 7:51
17: 30:11
34: 7:55
17: 38:06
26: 7:48
17: 45:54
18100Shawn Beaty28Last Call Racing45:5934: 7:50
34: 7:50
16: 7:28
26: 15:19
13: 7:27
25: 22:46
22: 7:50
22: 30:36
11: 7:38
20: 38:15
21: 7:44
18: 45:59
19212Aidan Sullivan20BROAD STREET BAD BOYS46:042: 6:31
2: 6:31
25: 7:35
5: 14:07
45: 8:05
15: 22:12
44: 8:09
18: 30:22
24: 7:51
18: 38:13
29: 7:51
19: 46:04
20244Jordan Drew33Buttcat Racing46:079: 7:01
9: 7:01
34: 7:42
16: 14:44
34: 7:47
19: 22:31
24: 7:50
19: 30:22
27: 7:53
19: 38:15
30: 7:52
20: 46:07
21256Zachary Peters36Buttcat Racing46:0823: 7:29
23: 7:29
24: 7:34
24: 15:03
23: 7:37
21: 22:41
19: 7:47
20: 30:28
30: 7:54
21: 38:22
22: 7:45
21: 46:08
22230Erik Worm30Buttcat Racing46:1025: 7:39
25: 7:39
12: 7:24
23: 15:03
22: 7:37
22: 22:41
32: 7:55
21: 30:36
23: 7:50
22: 38:27
17: 7:43
22: 46:10
23155Blake Crouch37Broad Street Cycles46:2117: 7:17
17: 7:17
37: 7:44
22: 15:01
28: 7:43
23: 22:45
35: 7:56
23: 30:42
21: 7:49
23: 38:31
27: 7:50
23: 46:21
24183Matt Paton3146:2437: 7:53
37: 7:53
22: 7:33
31: 15:26
26: 7:42
32: 23:09
17: 7:45
27: 30:54
17: 7:44
25: 38:38
24: 7:46
25: 46:24
25217Andreas Hagen38Naked Factory Racing46:2414: 7:11
14: 7:11
21: 7:32
15: 14:43
37: 7:50
20: 22:33
45: 8:11
25: 30:45
35: 7:56
26: 38:41
19: 7:43
24: 46:24
26117Ben Ryan24Last Call Racing46:3156: 8:22
56: 8:22
40: 7:48
45: 16:10
33: 7:46
42: 23:57
10: 7:33
37: 31:30
7: 7:34
31: 39:05
8: 7:25
26: 46:31
27194LUKE HUBNER1546:4821: 7:21
21: 7:21
30: 7:39
21: 15:00
35: 7:47
26: 22:47
34: 7:56
24: 30:44
42: 8:03
27: 38:47
38: 8:00
27: 46:48
28546Luc Antaya2846:5140: 7:55
40: 7:55
26: 7:36
35: 15:32
24: 7:41
34: 23:13
20: 7:49
30: 31:03
41: 8:01
29: 39:04
25: 7:47
28: 46:51
29208Eric Stark16Island Racing Club p/b Robert Cameron Law46:5320: 7:19
20: 7:19
39: 7:48
25: 15:07
27: 7:42
29: 22:50
36: 8:02
26: 30:52
46: 8:08
28: 39:01
31: 7:52
29: 46:53
30235Brodie Hay21Rock City Cycles/Frontrunners/Kiyo Salon/Swet Haus46:5533: 7:50
33: 7:50
31: 7:40
33: 15:30
25: 7:41
33: 23:12
37: 8:04
34: 31:16
36: 7:57
33: 39:13
16: 7:42
30: 46:55
31105Justin Bailey33Party Kitty Racing46:5927: 7:42
27: 7:42
38: 7:45
32: 15:27
36: 7:49
36: 23:17
28: 7:53
31: 31:10
32: 7:54
30: 39:05
32: 7:54
31: 46:59
32109Sandor Boros3447:0739: 7:55
39: 7:55
29: 7:39
36: 15:34
31: 7:45
37: 23:19
31: 7:55
32: 31:14
33: 7:55
32: 39:09
37: 7:58
32: 47:07
33250Hung Mai33Mighty Riders47:1546: 8:07
46: 8:07
36: 7:44
41: 15:51
38: 7:53
39: 23:44
30: 7:54
38: 31:38
39: 7:59
38: 39:38
12: 7:37
33: 47:15
34112Simone Mandarino3947:1647: 8:07
47: 8:07
35: 7:43
42: 15:51
39: 7:53
40: 23:45
29: 7:53
39: 31:38
31: 7:54
37: 39:33
20: 7:43
34: 47:16
35248Ted Hobby33Buttcat Racing47:2930: 7:48
30: 7:48
46: 7:58
39: 15:46
40: 7:54
38: 23:40
21: 7:50
36: 31:30
40: 8:01
36: 39:31
36: 7:57
35: 47:29
36211Douglas Merrick31Cycle Therapy47:3632: 7:49
32: 7:49
32: 7:42
34: 15:31
30: 7:44
35: 23:16
43: 8:09
35: 31:25
51: 8:16
39: 39:41
33: 7:55
36: 47:36
37192Corey Maciver38Buttcat Racing47:3926: 7:39
26: 7:39
33: 7:42
28: 15:22
32: 7:46
31: 23:09
39: 8:06
33: 31:15
48: 8:12
35: 39:27
47: 8:12
37: 47:39
38243Ethan Glenwright22Trail Bikes48:0138: 7:54
38: 7:54
42: 7:54
40: 15:48
49: 8:10
43: 23:59
42: 8:09
40: 32:08
38: 7:58
40: 40:06
34: 7:55
38: 48:01
39150Alen Fazlagic1548:2259: 8:25
59: 8:25
48: 8:01
52: 16:26
57: 8:20
51: 24:47
18: 7:45
45: 32:33
15: 7:41
42: 40:14
44: 8:08
39: 48:22
40203Max Field17Goldstream Bikes48:3545: 8:05
45: 8:05
51: 8:05
46: 16:11
42: 7:56
44: 24:08
46: 8:13
42: 32:21
25: 7:51
41: 40:12
54: 8:23
40: 48:35
41146Roni Jones31Mighty Riders48:4036: 7:53
36: 7:53
20: 7:31
30: 15:24
12: 7:25
28: 22:50
41: 8:07
28: 30:58
61: 8:22
34: 39:20
59: 9:20
41: 48:40
42237Cam Mclellan31Party Kitty Racing48:4935: 7:50
35: 7:50
41: 7:52
38: 15:43
44: 8:04
41: 23:49
56: 8:24
41: 32:13
53: 8:17
44: 40:30
53: 8:19
42: 48:49
43173Ryan Murphy3848:5131: 7:49
31: 7:49
19: 7:31
27: 15:20
14: 7:27
27: 22:47
81: 10:45
54: 33:33
12: 7:40
52: 41:13
13: 7:38
43: 48:51
44108Tom Skinner32Trail Bicycles48:5877: 8:52
77: 8:52
50: 8:05
65: 16:58
48: 8:08
55: 25:06
33: 7:56
52: 33:02
29: 7:54
47: 40:56
39: 8:02
44: 48:58
45139Kai Conradi2349:0452: 8:16
52: 8:16
47: 8:00
48: 16:17
51: 8:13
49: 24:31
48: 8:16
48: 32:47
47: 8:10
48: 40:57
42: 8:07
46: 49:04
46202Curtis Fischer28Comox Valley Cycle Club49:0451: 8:15
51: 8:15
53: 8:06
50: 16:22
46: 8:05
48: 24:27
40: 8:07
46: 32:34
54: 8:17
46: 40:51
48: 8:12
45: 49:04
47184Daniel Froese1949:0854: 8:18
54: 8:18
55: 8:09
53: 16:28
1: 6:18
24: 22:46
79: 10:10
49: 32:56
45: 8:08
51: 41:04
40: 8:03
47: 49:08
48225Jordan Lothrop25Victoria Wheelers49:1461: 8:28
61: 8:28
54: 8:08
54: 16:36
53: 8:15
52: 24:51
38: 8:05
50: 32:57
43: 8:04
49: 41:01
49: 8:13
48: 49:14
49549Adam Christensen31Party Kitty Racing49:3144: 8:05
44: 8:05
49: 8:01
43: 16:07
56: 8:19
47: 24:26
51: 8:17
47: 32:43
56: 8:18
50: 41:02
55: 8:29
49: 49:31
50158Brian Moran3349:4955: 8:21
55: 8:21
62: 8:23
58: 16:44
60: 8:21
56: 25:06
52: 8:18
53: 33:25
55: 8:18
54: 41:43
41: 8:06
50: 49:49
51174JJ Wytrwal32Buttcat Racing49:5048: 8:11
48: 8:11
52: 8:06
49: 16:17
63: 8:28
50: 24:46
50: 8:16
51: 33:02
64: 8:32
53: 41:34
51: 8:15
51: 49:50
52253Liam Sargent14Tripleshot Cycling Club50:0153: 8:18
53: 8:18
44: 7:57
47: 16:15
43: 7:58
45: 24:13
47: 8:16
43: 32:29
22: 7:50
43: 40:19
60: 9:42
52: 50:01
53195Matthew Grossnickle32Cycle Therapy50:0441: 7:55
41: 7:55
66: 8:27
51: 16:23
76: 8:57
61: 25:21
55: 8:21
58: 33:42
50: 8:14
56: 41:57
43: 8:07
53: 50:04
54114Rob Anthony1850:0670: 8:44
70: 8:44
57: 8:12
64: 16:56
52: 8:15
58: 25:11
59: 8:26
55: 33:37
52: 8:16
55: 41:53
50: 8:13
54: 50:06
55172Aaron Racher39Rivercity cycle club50:2158: 8:24
58: 8:24
58: 8:13
56: 16:37
68: 8:37
59: 25:15
60: 8:27
59: 33:42
59: 8:21
59: 42:04
52: 8:17
55: 50:21
56198Peter Lai32Buttcat Racing50:3268: 8:42
68: 8:42
56: 8:11
62: 16:54
58: 8:21
60: 25:15
57: 8:25
57: 33:40
57: 8:19
57: 41:59
56: 8:33
56: 50:32
5710110150:3576: 8:52
76: 8:52
64: 8:27
69: 17:19
62: 8:25
64: 25:44
53: 8:19
62: 34:03
60: 8:21
60: 42:25
46: 8:10
57: 50:35
58149Cyal Baugh2850:3863: 8:33
63: 8:33
73: 8:37
67: 17:10
64: 8:30
63: 25:40
54: 8:21
61: 34:01
62: 8:27
61: 42:29
45: 8:09
58: 50:38
59258Kevin Tunnicliffe31Buttcat Racing50:4750: 8:15
50: 8:15
65: 8:27
57: 16:43
61: 8:23
54: 25:06
62: 8:33
56: 33:39
58: 8:20
58: 42:00
57: 8:47
59: 50:47
60196Sam Finke1751:2562: 8:30
62: 8:30
60: 8:17
60: 16:47
59: 8:21
57: 25:09
68: 8:49
60: 33:58
66: 8:34
62: 42:32
58: 8:53
60: 51:25
61205Corey Grobe31Steed Cycles56:4549: 8:11
49: 8:11
45: 7:57
44: 16:09
47: 8:06
46: 24:16
49: 8:16
44: 32:32
49: 8:13
45: 40:45
61: 16:00
61: 56:45
62207Mike Chandler3742:49-179: 9:01
79: 9:01
72: 8:36
75: 17:38
66: 8:34
73: 26:12
61: 8:29
67: 34:41
44: 8:08
63: 42:49
63255Matt Powell31Russ Hays Sidney43:05-171: 8:45
71: 8:45
76: 8:44
73: 17:29
55: 8:18
66: 25:47
58: 8:25
63: 34:12
72: 8:52
64: 43:05
64111Leif Keithley3443:23-166: 8:37
66: 8:37
63: 8:25
66: 17:03
69: 8:42
65: 25:46
64: 8:36
64: 34:22
74: 9:01
65: 43:23
65241Paul Moroney34Party Kitty Racing43:34-175: 8:51
75: 8:51
71: 8:35
71: 17:26
70: 8:42
71: 26:09
67: 8:48
69: 34:57
67: 8:37
66: 43:34
66148David Dallin37Tripleshot Cycling Club43:41-186: 12:03
86: 12:03
43: 7:57
85: 20:00
41: 7:56
79: 27:56
25: 7:51
73: 35:47
28: 7:53
67: 43:41
67210Trevor Macfarlane15Tripleshot Cycling Club43:46-164: 8:36
64: 8:36
78: 8:49
70: 17:25
73: 8:46
72: 26:11
69: 8:50
70: 35:01
69: 8:45
68: 43:46
68159Jesse Bone3543:49-157: 8:23
57: 8:23
67: 8:29
61: 16:53
71: 8:44
62: 25:37
73: 9:02
66: 34:40
75: 9:09
69: 43:49
69229Mathew Moran36Rock City Cycles/Frontrunners/Kiyo Salon/Swet Haus43:52-174: 8:49
74: 8:49
77: 8:48
74: 17:37
75: 8:49
74: 26:26
66: 8:45
71: 35:11
68: 8:41
70: 43:52
70223Nico Damiani30Hub City Cycles44:01-183: 9:20
83: 9:20
75: 8:41
79: 18:02
67: 8:35
75: 26:38
71: 8:51
72: 35:29
63: 8:32
71: 44:01
71231Will Gaertner32Buttcat Racing44:06-169: 8:42
69: 8:42
69: 8:33
68: 17:15
72: 8:45
68: 26:00
72: 8:53
68: 34:54
76: 9:12
72: 44:06
72102Alex Hui3744:18-178: 8:56
78: 8:56
68: 8:31
72: 17:27
65: 8:31
67: 25:58
65: 8:39
65: 34:37
78: 9:40
73: 44:18
73260Chad Grice3344:38-165: 8:37
65: 8:37
82: 9:13
78: 17:50
54: 8:16
70: 26:06
76: 9:44
74: 35:50
70: 8:48
74: 44:38
74188Remy Garrison14Tripleshot Cycling Club44:52-129: 7:47
29: 7:47
85: 10:39
83: 18:26
74: 8:47
77: 27:13
70: 8:50
75: 36:03
71: 8:49
75: 44:52
75240Hauke Blanken3045:11-180: 9:09
80: 9:09
74: 8:41
77: 17:50
77: 9:04
76: 26:54
74: 9:16
76: 36:11
73: 9:00
76: 45:11
76110Andrew Flowers45:23-167: 8:39
67: 8:39
59: 8:14
63: 16:54
83: 11:22
82: 28:16
63: 8:33
77: 36:49
65: 8:33
77: 45:23
77186Alistair Norman27Lords of Dogpatch/Team Nemesis47:09-181: 9:09
81: 9:09
81: 9:08
81: 18:17
79: 9:35
78: 27:52
75: 9:33
78: 37:25
79: 9:44
78: 47:09
78106Isaac Van Der Vliet1847:57-172: 8:48
72: 8:48
83: 9:37
82: 18:25
80: 9:49
81: 28:14
78: 9:58
80: 38:12
80: 9:45
79: 47:57
79215Nick Voss15Lords of Dogpatch/Team Nemesis48:35-143: 8:03
43: 8:03
70: 8:33
55: 16:36
78: 9:24
69: 26:00
82: 13:08
81: 39:09
77: 9:26
80: 48:35
80216Marc Doucette35Victoria Wheelers48:50-182: 9:18
82: 9:18
80: 8:57
80: 18:16
81: 9:51
80: 28:07
77: 9:53
79: 38:00
82: 10:50
81: 48:50
81165Arin Wright2050:14-184: 9:27
84: 9:27
84: 9:46
84: 19:14
82: 10:28
83: 29:43
80: 10:11
82: 39:54
81: 10:20
82: 50:14
DNF221David Bitschy39Victoria Wheelers-128: 7:46
28: 7:46
28: 7:37
29: 15:23
29: 7:44
30: 23:07
23: 7:50
29: 30:58
10: 7:36
24: 38:34
DNF151Glen Polson39Pro City Racing-360: 8:26
60: 8:26
61: 8:18
59: 16:45
50: 8:11
53: 24:56
DNF104Steve Olson-442: 7:59
42: 7:59
27: 7:36
37: 15:35
DNF226William Corbett32Broad Street Cycles-473: 8:49
73: 8:49
79: 8:56
76: 17:45
DNF103Jeff Mitchell35BADGERS-585: 11:40
85: 11:40