Crosstoberfest: 2019-10-27
Intermediate Men: 6 Laps
PlaceBib#NameAgeClubTimesLapsLap 1Lap 2Lap 3Lap 4Lap 5Lap 6
1138Diego Franco28Mechanically Declined Racing Team40:286: 1:23
6: 1:23
3: 7:42
3: 9:06
2: 7:42
2: 16:48
1: 7:57
1: 24:46
1: 7:49
1: 32:35
1: 7:52
1: 40:28
2126Liam Sargent15Tripleshot41:102: 1:21
2: 1:21
2: 7:37
2: 8:58
4: 7:49
3: 16:48
2: 8:04
2: 24:52
3: 8:00
2: 32:52
6: 8:17
2: 41:10
3155LUKE HUBNER16Rock City Cycles - Frontrunners - Kiyo - Muc Off41:445: 1:23
5: 1:23
1: 7:31
1: 8:54
5: 7:53
1: 16:47
8: 8:22
3: 25:10
8: 8:14
3: 33:24
7: 8:20
3: 41:44
4243Tate Haugan1942:0139: 1:51
39: 1:51
7: 8:02
13: 9:53
1: 7:40
6: 17:34
4: 8:09
6: 25:43
5: 8:02
5: 33:45
4: 8:16
4: 42:01
5191Alen Fazlagic1642:0419: 1:37
19: 1:37
13: 8:15
14: 9:53
8: 7:56
10: 17:49
5: 8:10
9: 25:59
4: 8:02
7: 34:01
2: 8:02
5: 42:04
6172Connor Bosenberg16Tripleshot42:154: 1:22
4: 1:22
4: 7:48
4: 9:10
6: 7:55
4: 17:05
13: 8:31
4: 25:36
6: 8:07
4: 33:43
18: 8:32
6: 42:15
7182Forrest Simpson2642:2343: 1:53
43: 1:53
8: 8:03
16: 9:56
3: 7:47
9: 17:44
3: 8:08
8: 25:52
7: 8:07
6: 33:59
12: 8:23
7: 42:23
8113Erik Worm31Buttcat Factory Racing42:489: 1:28
9: 1:28
6: 7:59
6: 9:27
10: 8:05
7: 17:34
6: 8:14
7: 25:48
9: 8:18
8: 34:06
26: 8:41
9: 42:48
9145Remy Garrison15Tripleshot42:483: 1:21
3: 1:21
5: 7:51
5: 9:12
7: 7:55
5: 17:07
14: 8:31
5: 25:39
12: 8:29
9: 34:08
23: 8:39
8: 42:48
10119David Huntley38Cycle Therapy43:0013: 1:33
13: 1:33
10: 8:06
7: 9:39
9: 8:02
8: 17:41
10: 8:26
10: 26:08
10: 8:22
10: 34:30
16: 8:30
10: 43:00
1120180600Douglas Merrick32Cycle Therapy43:3672: 2:17
72: 2:17
72: 10:30
74: 12:47
72: 11:01
73: 23:48
22: 8:43
62: 32:32
2: 7:52
53: 40:24
54: 10:05
54: 50:29
12112Ian Lehton16Trail Bicycles Racing43:421: 1:17
1: 1:17
21: 8:24
8: 9:41
24: 8:32
15: 18:14
16: 8:34
13: 26:49
15: 8:33
12: 35:22
9: 8:20
11: 43:42
13173Joe Schwartz3843:4521: 1:39
21: 1:39
20: 8:24
18: 10:03
13: 8:18
18: 18:22
12: 8:30
14: 26:52
14: 8:33
14: 35:25
8: 8:20
12: 43:45
14245Sebastian Sleep2743:4729: 1:45
29: 1:45
16: 8:19
20: 10:04
21: 8:26
20: 18:30
9: 8:26
16: 26:56
16: 8:33
15: 35:30
5: 8:17
13: 43:47
15103Chad Grice34Fort St Cycle43:5016: 1:37
16: 1:37
12: 8:15
12: 9:52
15: 8:20
13: 18:12
21: 8:43
15: 26:55
13: 8:29
13: 35:25
14: 8:25
14: 43:50
16101David Dallin38Hotel Zed Cycledelic Blurs43:5210: 1:29
10: 1:29
17: 8:21
11: 9:50
19: 8:24
16: 18:15
7: 8:21
11: 26:36
21: 8:40
11: 35:16
21: 8:36
15: 43:52
17162Luc Antaya29Rock City Cycles - Frontrunners - Kiyo - Muc Off43:5532: 1:47
32: 1:47
18: 8:22
25: 10:09
20: 8:25
22: 18:34
28: 8:48
22: 27:22
11: 8:24
18: 35:47
3: 8:08
16: 43:55
18174Sam Finke18Tripleshot44:0134: 1:48
34: 1:48
23: 8:26
28: 10:14
17: 8:23
23: 18:37
11: 8:28
19: 27:05
17: 8:35
16: 35:41
10: 8:20
17: 44:01
19218Bruno Ibanez16Tripleshot44:1018: 1:37
18: 1:37
14: 8:16
15: 9:54
14: 8:19
14: 18:13
27: 8:47
17: 27:00
25: 8:47
19: 35:47
11: 8:23
18: 44:10
20206Andrew Hamilton27Rock City Cycles - Frontrunners - Kiyo - Muc Off44:1536: 1:50
36: 1:50
11: 8:15
22: 10:05
12: 8:16
17: 18:21
20: 8:42
18: 27:03
20: 8:40
17: 35:43
17: 8:32
19: 44:15
21120Steven Healey38Rock City Cycles - Frontrunners - Kiyo - Muc Off44:4815: 1:36
15: 1:36
25: 8:28
21: 10:04
36: 8:46
26: 18:50
15: 8:34
23: 27:24
18: 8:37
20: 36:01
32: 8:46
20: 44:48
22209Matthew Walker33Buttcat Factory Racing44:5561: 2:06
61: 2:06
22: 8:25
33: 10:31
26: 8:36
29: 19:07
17: 8:38
27: 27:45
22: 8:40
24: 36:25
15: 8:30
21: 44:55
23208Nik Kay28Rock City Cycles - Frontrunners - Kiyo - Muc Off44:5724: 1:41
24: 1:41
27: 8:30
26: 10:11
30: 8:43
27: 18:54
29: 8:50
26: 27:44
19: 8:38
23: 36:23
19: 8:34
22: 44:57
24133Matthew Grossnickle33Cycle Therapy44:5817: 1:37
17: 1:37
19: 8:23
17: 10:00
23: 8:32
21: 18:32
25: 8:46
20: 27:19
33: 9:03
21: 36:22
20: 8:36
23: 44:58
25151Matthew Brown201017 Bricksquad45:1140: 1:52
40: 1:52
30: 8:36
32: 10:28
32: 8:45
31: 19:13
19: 8:41
28: 27:54
27: 8:52
26: 36:46
13: 8:24
24: 45:11
26203Corey MacIver39Buttcat Factory Racing45:1728: 1:44
28: 1:44
26: 8:29
27: 10:13
25: 8:35
25: 18:48
26: 8:47
24: 27:35
24: 8:47
22: 36:22
34: 8:55
25: 45:17
27244Ted Hobby34Buttcat Factory Racing45:2214: 1:35
14: 1:35
28: 8:31
23: 10:06
28: 8:39
24: 18:45
32: 8:53
25: 27:38
29: 8:58
25: 36:36
29: 8:45
26: 45:22
28246Owen Petersen22Hardly Even Racing p/b PDJ45:3751: 2:00
51: 2:00
34: 8:43
38: 10:43
22: 8:31
32: 19:14
24: 8:45
29: 28:00
28: 8:56
28: 36:56
25: 8:41
27: 45:37
29192Blake Crouch38Broad Street Cycles45:5425: 1:42
25: 1:42
33: 8:40
30: 10:22
29: 8:41
28: 19:04
33: 8:57
30: 28:01
34: 9:03
29: 37:04
33: 8:49
28: 45:54
30161Eric Stark17Victoria Breakaway Cycling Club45:578: 1:27
8: 1:27
15: 8:18
10: 9:45
18: 8:24
12: 18:09
18: 8:39
12: 26:49
57: 10:03
27: 36:52
37: 9:05
29: 45:57
31124Devin Fawkes15Rock City Cycles - Frontrunners - Kiyo - Muc Off46:1137: 1:50
37: 1:50
29: 8:35
31: 10:25
37: 8:47
30: 19:12
40: 9:04
31: 28:16
37: 9:09
30: 37:26
28: 8:45
30: 46:11
32249Michael Coulter3446:1267: 2:12
67: 2:12
44: 9:02
53: 11:14
31: 8:45
43: 19:59
31: 8:51
39: 28:50
23: 8:44
33: 37:34
22: 8:38
31: 46:12
33181Jeremy Kissack2046:1356: 2:02
56: 2:02
39: 8:56
45: 10:58
43: 8:57
41: 19:56
23: 8:45
35: 28:41
26: 8:51
32: 37:33
24: 8:40
32: 46:13
34171Phil Pharand38HealthyHabits46:1449: 1:59
49: 1:59
37: 8:48
40: 10:47
27: 8:36
36: 19:24
39: 9:04
32: 28:28
30: 8:59
31: 37:27
31: 8:46
33: 46:14
35222Myles Pastuck14Tori Bikes46:3233: 1:48
33: 1:48
36: 8:47
36: 10:35
35: 8:46
35: 19:21
45: 9:19
34: 28:40
35: 9:08
35: 37:48
27: 8:44
34: 46:32
36207Trevor Macfarlane1646:597: 1:26
7: 1:26
31: 8:37
19: 10:03
49: 9:13
33: 19:17
46: 9:20
33: 28:37
36: 9:09
34: 37:46
42: 9:13
35: 46:59
37144Tyler Walker34Hub City Cycles Community Co-op47:0227: 1:43
27: 1:43
42: 9:00
39: 10:43
41: 8:57
38: 19:40
43: 9:15
40: 28:55
46: 9:21
40: 38:16
30: 8:46
36: 47:02
38189Jordan Lothrop26OBB Victoria Wheelers47:1560: 2:05
60: 2:05
54: 9:15
55: 11:20
38: 8:50
49: 20:11
34: 8:57
42: 29:08
31: 9:00
38: 38:08
38: 9:07
37: 47:15
39134Zachary Peters37Buttcat Factory Racing47:1753: 2:01
53: 2:01
45: 9:04
48: 11:05
44: 9:02
47: 20:08
38: 9:02
43: 29:10
38: 9:10
42: 38:20
36: 8:56
38: 47:17
40160Cam Mclellan3247:1941: 1:53
41: 1:53
35: 8:44
37: 10:37
40: 8:56
37: 19:34
42: 9:11
36: 28:45
43: 9:18
37: 38:04
43: 9:15
39: 47:19
41204Brendon Earl24Equipe de Crank47:2563: 2:07
63: 2:07
52: 9:13
56: 11:20
42: 8:57
51: 20:18
36: 8:59
45: 29:17
39: 9:11
43: 38:28
35: 8:56
40: 47:25
42107Etienne Langlois39Tripleshot47:2757: 2:04
57: 2:04
48: 9:07
51: 11:11
34: 8:45
42: 19:58
35: 8:58
41: 28:56
45: 9:21
41: 38:17
41: 9:10
41: 47:27
43247Sebastien McGrady16Trail Bicycles Racing47:3146: 1:56
46: 1:56
41: 8:58
43: 10:54
39: 8:54
39: 19:48
37: 9:01
38: 28:49
40: 9:14
36: 38:03
48: 9:28
42: 47:31
44146Kip Manktelow14Trail Bicycles Racing47:3222: 1:40
22: 1:40
38: 8:54
35: 10:34
33: 8:45
34: 19:19
52: 9:29
37: 28:48
49: 9:27
39: 38:15
44: 9:17
43: 47:32
45108Matt Powell32Russ Hays47:3930: 1:46
30: 1:46
46: 9:07
42: 10:53
46: 9:09
44: 20:02
41: 9:10
44: 29:13
42: 9:17
44: 38:30
39: 9:09
44: 47:39
46150Jeff Warmerdam3648:0842: 1:53
42: 1:53
47: 9:07
46: 11:00
48: 9:11
48: 20:11
50: 9:25
48: 29:36
47: 9:22
48: 38:58
40: 9:09
45: 48:08
47140Jordan Drew34Buttcat Factory Racing48:1631: 1:47
31: 1:47
50: 9:10
44: 10:57
47: 9:10
46: 20:07
48: 9:22
46: 29:29
48: 9:22
46: 38:51
47: 9:25
46: 48:16
48152David Janzen2848:2444: 1:54
44: 1:54
40: 8:56
41: 10:50
55: 9:26
50: 20:17
49: 9:24
50: 29:42
32: 9:01
45: 38:43
50: 9:41
47: 48:24
49165Jason Nickels3748:4048: 1:57
48: 1:57
51: 9:10
49: 11:07
50: 9:14
52: 20:21
44: 9:18
49: 29:39
50: 9:27
49: 39:06
49: 9:34
48: 48:40
50136Henry Sherry14Lords of Dogpatch - Team Nemesis48:4711: 1:31
11: 1:31
43: 9:01
34: 10:33
52: 9:22
40: 19:55
54: 9:39
47: 29:35
44: 9:19
47: 38:54
52: 9:52
49: 48:47
51143Alistair Norman28Lords of Dogpatch - Team Nemesis49:1454: 2:01
54: 2:01
59: 9:30
60: 11:31
54: 9:25
56: 20:56
55: 9:40
54: 30:36
41: 9:16
50: 39:53
45: 9:21
50: 49:14
52488Graham Forsyth3449:3373: 2:17
73: 2:17
58: 9:29
64: 11:46
53: 9:25
58: 21:11
47: 9:21
53: 30:32
51: 9:38
52: 40:11
46: 9:22
51: 49:33
53111Callan Ceriani3449:5855: 2:02
55: 2:02
55: 9:20
58: 11:22
45: 9:09
54: 20:31
53: 9:36
51: 30:07
55: 10:01
51: 40:08
51: 9:50
52: 49:58
54131Graham Wilson23Mechanically Declined Racing Team50:2952: 2:00
52: 2:00
56: 9:22
57: 11:22
57: 9:32
55: 20:54
57: 9:46
55: 30:40
52: 9:43
54: 40:24
53: 10:05
53: 50:29
55164Benjamin Moore36Buttcat Factory Racing40:39-145: 1:55
45: 1:55
49: 9:08
47: 11:03
51: 9:22
53: 20:25
59: 10:02
52: 30:27
59: 10:12
55: 40:39
56248Mark Donkers32Buttcat Factory Racing40:39-174: 2:17
74: 2:17
57: 9:24
62: 11:41
56: 9:31
59: 21:13
51: 9:28
56: 30:41
54: 9:58
56: 40:39
57106Nicolas Losier27Tripleshot41:11-150: 1:59
50: 1:59
65: 9:41
61: 11:40
58: 9:41
60: 21:22
56: 9:42
57: 31:05
58: 10:06
57: 41:11
58135Jimi Voss14Lords of Dogpatch - Team Nemesis41:13-112: 1:33
12: 1:33
62: 9:38
50: 11:11
62: 9:59
57: 21:10
61: 10:12
58: 31:23
53: 9:50
58: 41:13
59183Will Gaertner33Buttcat Factory Racing42:15-159: 2:04
59: 2:04
63: 9:39
63: 11:43
61: 9:54
62: 21:38
63: 10:21
60: 31:59
61: 10:16
59: 42:15
60242Dan Hull39Healthy Habits42:24-164: 2:09
64: 2:09
68: 9:58
68: 12:07
60: 9:45
63: 21:52
58: 9:57
59: 31:49
62: 10:35
60: 42:24
61250Alex Galunenko3642:34-162: 2:07
62: 2:07
69: 9:59
67: 12:06
64: 10:13
66: 22:20
60: 10:12
61: 32:32
56: 10:02
61: 42:34
62116Mathew Moran37Rock City Cycles - Frontrunners - Kiyo - Muc Off43:03-158: 2:04
58: 2:04
70: 10:10
70: 12:14
65: 10:15
67: 22:30
62: 10:20
63: 32:50
60: 10:12
62: 43:03
63141William Corbett33Broad Street Cycles44:29-168: 2:13
68: 2:13
64: 9:41
65: 11:54
63: 10:01
64: 21:55
68: 11:12
64: 33:07
68: 11:21
63: 44:29
64123Hauke Blanken3144:34-169: 2:13
69: 2:13
66: 9:52
66: 12:05
68: 10:39
68: 22:45
67: 11:02
65: 33:48
65: 10:46
64: 44:34
65169Craig Rutherford30Rock City Cycles - Frontrunners - Kiyo - Muc Off44:46-166: 2:11
66: 2:11
73: 10:34
72: 12:45
70: 10:45
70: 23:30
64: 10:37
66: 34:07
63: 10:38
65: 44:46
66121Ryan Burvill35Rock City Cycles - Frontrunners - Kiyo - Muc Off44:54-165: 2:09
65: 2:09
74: 10:38
73: 12:47
69: 10:44
71: 23:31
65: 10:41
67: 34:12
64: 10:41
66: 44:54
67178Arin Wright21Fort St Cycle45:42-171: 2:16
71: 2:16
67: 9:58
69: 12:14
71: 10:58
69: 23:12
69: 11:27
68: 34:40
66: 11:02
67: 45:42
68425Edwin. Booi46:02-170: 2:15
70: 2:15
71: 10:12
71: 12:27
73: 11:21
72: 23:48
66: 11:00
69: 34:48
67: 11:13
68: 46:02
69127Kai Sargent12Tripleshot47:05-138: 1:51
38: 1:51
61: 9:38
59: 11:29
67: 10:28
65: 21:57
70: 13:10
70: 35:08
69: 11:57
69: 47:05
DNF105Riley Smith23Hardly Even Racing p/b PDJ-223: 1:41
23: 1:41
24: 8:26
24: 10:07
16: 8:22
19: 18:29
30: 8:50
21: 27:20
DNF137Eric Rush33Riverway Dental Racing-320: 1:39
20: 1:39
9: 8:05
9: 9:44
11: 8:11
11: 17:55
DNF100Liam Worsfold13Tripleshot-326: 1:42
26: 1:42
32: 8:38
29: 10:20
59: 9:44
45: 20:05
DNF115Leif Keithley35-347: 1:57
47: 1:57
53: 9:14
52: 11:11
66: 10:19
61: 21:31
DNF153Brian Moran34Rock City Cycles - Frontrunners - Kiyo - Muc Off-435: 1:49
35: 1:49
60: 9:30
54: 11:19